
Monday, December 14, 2009

The welcoming of the annual Christmas cold

I think I'm getting a cold. If I had a dollar for each time I sneezed today I wouldn't have to work for the rest of the week. And then tonight, I sneezed and suddenly I have a stuffy nose and I can't breath through my nose at all, I sound like I morphed into Sneezey Dwarf, and if I press on my cheeks I can feel snot bubbles pop- yeah, totally gross, but Mac said I had to say it. And my whole body aches. This is not good.

This is a bad time for a full blown cold since we have final exams this week. And I still have all that stuff to do like baking and wrapping and being festive and all that holiday shit.

XRayGirl gave me a huge bottle of Vitamin C so maybe that will help ward off the evil. Is it true if you take too much Vitamin C you'll turn orange?

I swear it's only because of the kids' cooties.

Okay, I'm gonna go and lay on the couch and wait to get better.

Tomorrow I'll tell you about the weekend, Sock Monkey, and a random email from a Sam.



Curley said...

I'm so sorry you feel yucky. Don't think you would turn orange but you can poison yourself with to much vitamin C. Plenty of liquids, bed rest and lots of tissue. Feel better soon.

Shan said...

Boohoohoo. Sorry teach! It really IS bound to happen working in a cesspool of kiddie aerosols. Maybe you should ask for your own bubble for Christmas(and not the kind inside your face-haha.

Get well soon! You should only have a few days left before a little restful break. Hang in there. :(