OMG- my first blogger award!!!!!!!! Now, how cool is that? I could go on and on and thank all those who made this possible and... well... as I told The Prodigal Tourist and his wife who presented me with this lovely award, I would be one of those Academy Award winners the orchestra would cut off and they would be forced to go to commercial because I would never stop gushing...
TPT thinks I have a good attitude- so thank you!
I want to pass the award on to:
- Farrago for always being an honest blogger that makes me laugh, sometimes in spite of myself!
- Tense Teacher who tells it like it is and stays human at the same time
- Ty-Anna for always finding the good side of everything, and helping me see good things
WOW! Thanks! I finally got an award from somebody! (so where do I send the check again?)
And I really feel like an influence: you're reading Konrath, and you're an Event Chaser!! Seen a show, yet?
Well done (how's that for short?).
thanks! and congrats!!
Farrago- you're welcome. and no show yet but I'm waiting! ;)
PT- thank you so much- you rock!
TyAnna- you're welcome and thanks!
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