
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy thoughts....

Pink hot rod featured at a local car show

A caramel, hot fudge raspberry gelato sundae at a local specialty chocolate shoppe

happy flowers in the front yard

More about Mac, me, and yesterday will come later. Right now, here are some things that make me happy...



Wiley said...

I'm thinking of you! Have been seeing a lot of freshmen and their parents around here over the past couple of days. It is cool to see the excitement, but not so much the panic on their - or their parents - faces! But this is a rite of passage for both of you, and you will get through it fine. Have faith :)

Curley said...

When I saw that Pink car downtown the first person I thought of was you. It made me smile. That sundae looks yummy! When can we go get one?