
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Washin' and sweepin' and cleanin' up this joint!

I am so proud of what I accomplished today! To some it doesn't seem like much but after the week I've had, it felt good to do some physical work, at my own pace, and work mostly alone.

My aunt and uncle are coming for a visit. They should be here tomorrow or Monday- maybe even Tuesday- so Daddy- O decided he and I should do MAD cleaning. I cleaned all the things today.  The house isn't disgustingly dirty but we haven't done "deep" house cleaning, spring cleaning style, for awhile.

I cleaned the kitchen, including wiping down cupboards, emptying the dishwasher (and filled it again, ran it and then emptied it again), sweeping the floor, and putting away all sorts of stuff. I vacuumed the dining room rug and carpet, and cleared off the table, which was craft central but now we can eat meals there! I cleaned up the laundry room. I carried all my stuff to my attic room that was downstairs and put it all away. I also vacuumed the living room rug and carpet, and Daddy-O's room. I scrubbed a bathroom and hand mopped the floor on my hands and knees. I did 3 loads of laundry. I gathered trash and replaced all the bags. I went to the grocery store, too!

I also walked the dog and finished a novel.

I bought a bunch of "grill food" so Daddy-O grilled it all so now neither of us have to cook tomorrow or Monday.

When the fam calls to confirm an arrival date and time, I'll mop the kitchen and run the vacuum downstairs one more time. Daddy-O is in charge of dusting. I hate dusting.

This was a good day. (Not as fun as spending the day with Lilith yesterday!!!) but a good day nonetheless!

Now, I'm relaxing with watching reruns of CRIMINAL MINDS, and tomorrow I can relax too- it will be finish the laundry and write letters day!


1 comment:

Curley said...

Way to go you. Wish I had a good reason to do some deep-cleaning. I didn't even use the excuse that the mother-in-law was coming to deep-clean. Maybe I just don't care. Or I'm just lazy.