I've struggled with how to start
this post or even what direction to take it. Part of me wants to say "do
people read anymore?" because I don't know a lot of people who do that I
can have conversations with about books. Or could say "Why aren't
people reading stuff that is similar to what I read?" Or "why don't my
friends and family read books I'd like?". And that could also leave them
asking "well, why don't you read things WE like?" which is a good
question BUT this post is about me and my reading habit, not yours. And I
say that in jest and with good humor, you guys!
miss being around people who share the same interests in reading what I
read, or who have a diverse taste in books so we can have conversations
about literature. I do not mean that to sound all smarmy or snotty or
intellectually bitchy. My friends and family are smart and witty and
fun, which are a few reasons why I love them. But we don't have a lot in
common in the literary world. There's nothing wrong with that at all,
but I just miss a stimulating conversation or debate about books and
reading, best sellers, authors, context and characterization, new releases, and the merits of classics
or anything other sort of strange bibliophile conversation.
is essential to me as food and air and sleep; heck, sometimes I even
sacrifice those things FOR books. And I love to talk about things I
read. Daddy-O, bless his heart, will listen to me ramble or rage or tear
on about a book; I'm so thankful he will hear me out and give an ear to
my words about something I read, even if he doesn't give a hoot. I'm
lucky and thankful he indulges me. And though he reads tons of stuff, we
rarely read the same sorts of books. Which is fine. It just doesn't
lend itself to a bookish conversation.
of my favorite things to ask is "what are you reading" and I hope for
1) a great book recommendation; and, 2) a stimulating conversation. I
love the whole "oh I read that! What did you think of SoandSo?" and then
we're off and running.
says what I read is intellectual/ smart stuff (I think he really means
"weird") but I think I just read what I like, which is fairly diverse.
He and I had the conversation that since I work where I work I don't
often have a chance to flex my brain and engage in smart conversation or
to have my brain motivated and all the synapses firing so he thinks I
have to read "smart" stuff- chewy books so I can get my smart on/ turn
on my brain. I don't know about all that but it's as good as an
explanation as any, I'd say.
these days it's just not happening for me. There's no clicking for me, with other people, when
talking about books lately. I miss book-ish conversation.
"This is a bawdy tale. Herein you will find gratuitous shagging, spanking, maiming, treason, and heretofore unexplored heights of vulgarity and profanity, as well as non-traditional grammar, split infinitives, and the odd wank. If that sort of thing bothers you, then gentle reader pass by, for we only endeavor to entertain, not to offend. That said, if that’s the sort of thing you think you might enjoy, then you have happened onto the perfect story!" ~ Christopher Moore, Fool
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Daddy-O went on his annual snowbirding trip to the Lone Star state. He left last Friday and will be gone around 2 weeks- the spring thaw; whenever he feels the need to come home. So until then, I have the house to myself! Whoot-whoot! go me!
However, Mother Nature has had different plans for me for the first week of my solo single girl life running the house. While I thought I'd be doing my thing: cooking, listening to music at top volume, watching movies and TV shows he would hate, having the girlfriends over for supper or movie nights, instead, it's been a totally different experience.
I have had the flu. Or one hellva cold.
I got home a week ago today from taking him to the train station. I got to the house at 10:30pm LAST Friday night and didn't leave the house until noon on Wednesday when I thought I felt well enough to go back to work. And frankly, that wasn't even the case. I felt guilty that my students didn't have new library books and I feel guilty when I miss that much work. So I went.
But since waking up last Saturday I've felt terrible. My ears hurt, my throat was sore, I have a runny nose, cough, congestion, aches, pains, upset stomach "issues", eyes were aching and scratchy, and just felt crummy all over. The only thing I didn't have was a fever.
And today the ears don't hurt but I still have all the other stuff. I was planning to substitute teach today and undecorate the office for Christmas tomorrow and work my part time weekend receptionist job this weekend and ow.... blech.
All I am doing is laying on the couch until I have to go to the receptionist job at 4pm. There will be no decoratinung and there was no subbing.
I'm working on my 3rd box of Puffs. I've drank tons of cups of tea, 7-up, and coffee. Nyquil is my friend as is Tylenol.
And this whole week there was nothing fun but laying on couch and sleeping or watching crap TV. (Okay, I did watch some "good TV"; I finally caught up on all the stuff I've DVR-ed over the last 5 months, so I guess we could say I did accomplish something.) My eyes hurt so much that I didn't even want to read. I felt so crappy that I couldn't concentrate, anyway. I didn't watch movies either because I couldn't concentrate that long. I have the fireplace on and the dog and I just lay here. I hope he can't get sick...!
I bet Daddy-O is glad he hasn't been here for the 'sick girl' experience. Hell, I'm the sick girl and I don't want to be here. Ugh!
I hope everyone is feeling well and healthy, though! I wouldn't wish this stuff on anyone!
Sniffly, stuffy,
However, Mother Nature has had different plans for me for the first week of my solo single girl life running the house. While I thought I'd be doing my thing: cooking, listening to music at top volume, watching movies and TV shows he would hate, having the girlfriends over for supper or movie nights, instead, it's been a totally different experience.
I have had the flu. Or one hellva cold.
I got home a week ago today from taking him to the train station. I got to the house at 10:30pm LAST Friday night and didn't leave the house until noon on Wednesday when I thought I felt well enough to go back to work. And frankly, that wasn't even the case. I felt guilty that my students didn't have new library books and I feel guilty when I miss that much work. So I went.
But since waking up last Saturday I've felt terrible. My ears hurt, my throat was sore, I have a runny nose, cough, congestion, aches, pains, upset stomach "issues", eyes were aching and scratchy, and just felt crummy all over. The only thing I didn't have was a fever.
And today the ears don't hurt but I still have all the other stuff. I was planning to substitute teach today and undecorate the office for Christmas tomorrow and work my part time weekend receptionist job this weekend and ow.... blech.
All I am doing is laying on the couch until I have to go to the receptionist job at 4pm. There will be no decoratinung and there was no subbing.
I'm working on my 3rd box of Puffs. I've drank tons of cups of tea, 7-up, and coffee. Nyquil is my friend as is Tylenol.
And this whole week there was nothing fun but laying on couch and sleeping or watching crap TV. (Okay, I did watch some "good TV"; I finally caught up on all the stuff I've DVR-ed over the last 5 months, so I guess we could say I did accomplish something.) My eyes hurt so much that I didn't even want to read. I felt so crappy that I couldn't concentrate, anyway. I didn't watch movies either because I couldn't concentrate that long. I have the fireplace on and the dog and I just lay here. I hope he can't get sick...!
I bet Daddy-O is glad he hasn't been here for the 'sick girl' experience. Hell, I'm the sick girl and I don't want to be here. Ugh!
I hope everyone is feeling well and healthy, though! I wouldn't wish this stuff on anyone!
Sniffly, stuffy,
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Out of sorts about Mac being out of sorts
Sometimes when I see Mac I feel all out of whack afterwards. He's my son and I love him but I never know how a visit with him is going to go and sometimes, frankly, I dread these visits.
Sometimes he's great: happy, go-lucky, jovial, funny, charming and just full of personality. Other times he's mean, arrogant, and just a real SOB. Then there are the third times, which are like tonight.
He's tired and seems down. He doesn't really complain about stuff but drops enough breadcrumbs that something isn't entirely right. I never know what to do in that situation. I try not to push the issue because I'm not sure I want to know the answers but then I feel guilty. I dunno.
Mac appears to be working hard to get his shit together. He works LOTS of hours, taking on more than he's scheduled. Other than that, I'm not sure what's happening in his life. He has some scary friends and he isn't really fiscally responsible.
Oh, I don't know. I wish I knew what I was trying to write here. I guess since he was here tonight and things didn't seem quite right, and he seemed tired and maybe unhappy, he's on my mind. I thought maybe writing this down would help me make sense or sort it all out. Not.
Muddled Mags
Sometimes he's great: happy, go-lucky, jovial, funny, charming and just full of personality. Other times he's mean, arrogant, and just a real SOB. Then there are the third times, which are like tonight.
He's tired and seems down. He doesn't really complain about stuff but drops enough breadcrumbs that something isn't entirely right. I never know what to do in that situation. I try not to push the issue because I'm not sure I want to know the answers but then I feel guilty. I dunno.
Mac appears to be working hard to get his shit together. He works LOTS of hours, taking on more than he's scheduled. Other than that, I'm not sure what's happening in his life. He has some scary friends and he isn't really fiscally responsible.
Oh, I don't know. I wish I knew what I was trying to write here. I guess since he was here tonight and things didn't seem quite right, and he seemed tired and maybe unhappy, he's on my mind. I thought maybe writing this down would help me make sense or sort it all out. Not.
Muddled Mags
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Those pesky Resolutions part II
I really hate all the articles I'm reading about "hey, who already broke their New Year's resolutions?". Maybe because I, sorta, already broke mine and I don't like it being rubbed in my face.
I say sorta because I have and I haven't. I guess though, if I didn't do it, it means "broke" for any reason whatsoever. First the list of resolutions I have completed to date:
So I suck. Busted.
Maybe I can still conquer the rest of them?????
Rule breaker,
I say sorta because I have and I haven't. I guess though, if I didn't do it, it means "broke" for any reason whatsoever. First the list of resolutions I have completed to date:
- First, I went back on my diet. Check!
- Second: I am still loving my new dog, which is so easy to do because he is adorable! Check!
- Third: make something I pinned on Pinterest at least once time a month. I actually did this today! I made a giant 3-D snowflake, which would've been super cool if I would've been smart enough to take a picture of it. As it is, you need to take my word for it, that I did it. And here's a link with the directions and a picture of what I did. Check!
- Make time to do fun and relaxing things is the goal. Last night I watched 7 episodes of The Voice that I had on DVR. I laid on the couch and watched one after the other. Tonight I'm watching re-runs of Criminal Minds while I write this blog. I went to Hobby Lobby and Kohl's with my dad and had coffee which I'm still drinking while wearing my jammies.
- I haven't exercised yet. My resolution said "exercise" with no other stipulation. So I haven't done it. I think if the entire month goes by and I haven't exercised at all, then we could say I officially didn't do the goal.
- Find a full time job. I haven't FOUND the job yet. I think this is one of those resolutions that if I get all the way through 2013 and it hasn't happened this I think it's a fail. This is the 3rd day of the year so I haven't expected a miracle. Since I'm being honest and telling all, I have not had time to apply or search for a job yet, this year. Not a fail or "broke", again because of the nature of the goal and its wording.
- Read more. I haven't read anything yet. In my mind, my mental goal is to read at least 52 books this year. Last year I read 67 and before that I read more than 100 a year. But to date, I haven't read anything. I don't think this is a fail either, and it will take awhile before it can be determined if I succeed this goal. Note: as always, I have books to read: The Snow Child, The Receptionist, The Kitchen House, In the Sanctuary of Outcasts, and The End of Your Life Book Club. I'm going to read Sanctuary this weekend because it's for my women's book club.
So I suck. Busted.
Maybe I can still conquer the rest of them?????
Rule breaker,
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Making the most of a dumb schedule
We had a teacher day today. First, I just want to put a reminder out there that we only have school Mon-Thursday (yes we have every Friday off) but we are a year round school, NOT on a balanced calendar. That being said, we didn't have school on Monday since it was part of our Christmas vacation, we were off Jan. 1 because it was New Year's Day so today is a teacher day.
We have students tomorrow. Do the math. Yes. You are right.
We are going to have kids tomorrow, just 1 single day, and then we all have the three day weekend. Yup.
I have no idea who the brain trust was behind this genius scheduling but yes, it is stupid. Kids in general are hard to get in the mind set of school after a long holiday but OUR kids at Alcatraz are even worse. And then to get them for just a day? Not the best thing I've ever heard in my life.
Tomorrow is going to be a very looooooooooooong day, I just have a gut instinct about it!
Anyway, today was a teacher day. All the certified folks in the building and all the administrators were scheduled to be in a training. So that left me, 2 secretaries, our IT guy, and an administrative assistant to do stuff in the building.
I found stuff to do. Part of my job is to give reading assessments to incoming students and do the new student orientation so I decided to get a jump on tomorrow. I got 6 of our new kids together and did all their testing and their orientation. Yay me for being ahead!
Now I'm ready for anything weird that could- and probably will- happen tomorrow. After all, I work at "Alcatraz".
Librarian in action,
We have students tomorrow. Do the math. Yes. You are right.
We are going to have kids tomorrow, just 1 single day, and then we all have the three day weekend. Yup.
I have no idea who the brain trust was behind this genius scheduling but yes, it is stupid. Kids in general are hard to get in the mind set of school after a long holiday but OUR kids at Alcatraz are even worse. And then to get them for just a day? Not the best thing I've ever heard in my life.
Tomorrow is going to be a very looooooooooooong day, I just have a gut instinct about it!
Anyway, today was a teacher day. All the certified folks in the building and all the administrators were scheduled to be in a training. So that left me, 2 secretaries, our IT guy, and an administrative assistant to do stuff in the building.
I found stuff to do. Part of my job is to give reading assessments to incoming students and do the new student orientation so I decided to get a jump on tomorrow. I got 6 of our new kids together and did all their testing and their orientation. Yay me for being ahead!
Now I'm ready for anything weird that could- and probably will- happen tomorrow. After all, I work at "Alcatraz".
Librarian in action,