
Monday, December 3, 2012

Will I be kicked out of the bibliophile club for this?

I can't believe it. I didn't read a single book in the entire month of November. I have no idea what happened. Well, I can fathom a guess...

In November I watched a LOT of TV. I mean, a LOT (I blame The Voice). I also watched more movies in November than I did in the entire year- 3 in the theater and about 10 DVDs. I also worked on 2 school extra curricular- our prom, which we do in the fall, and the art club. I worked my regular job. I also took a seasonal, part time job which took around 30 hours in November (there will be a post about this). AND I also took on a graphic design gig which was a bigger mess than the client realized so a quick 6 hour job turned into 22 hours. I was not happy about that.

My women's book club met this month and the selection was The Paris Wife, which I read earlier in the year so I did spend some time reviewing/ re-reading parts of it so I could possibly participate in the discussion.

November was also a high stress month. I bought a new car for myself (post coming soon with a picture of my new car and the BIG reveal about what I named the car). I gave my Malibu (aka The Blue Goose) to Mac and about 10 days later a deer ran into him so I spent 2 weeks straightening that out (post will be forthcoming...). Since Mac delivers pizzas a car is imperative so he was in high freak out mode which really stresses me out. And as always, there are the money worries associated with everything I do. Add the holiday in there and I was just a wreck.

I spent some time driving back and forth to see The Sam in the capital city.
I play LOTS of "Words with Friends" on my phone and I read Twitter.

By the time "free time" was available I usually had enough concentration left in me to gaze at the TV until I fell asleep. I could also skip the gazing step and lots of times just fell asleep. When I had enough energy to hold a book and look at the words and have some basic comprehension skills I couldn't settle on anything. Nothing was holding my interest. I started and abandoned the Tony Danza teaching book- though I do want to go back and read it all the way through. I've been reading a book about adopting a racing greyhound off and on this month, too, since I am adopting a retired racing greyhound on Dec 20 (yes a post about this is forthcoming). I downloaded 13 samples of books I thought I might want to read on my Nook. (Since getting the Nook I'm really selective in what I buy since I have to pay full ebook prices rather than waiting for it to be used at my local used bookstores). I know I read all the samples, one every few evenings. I also read some magazines. I just HAD NO FOCUS. Then about a week ago I started reading Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Book Store. I plodded through it. It was interesting at first but my attention wained. I was determined to finish solely because the book glowed in the dark. I finished it last night, which is Dec. which makes it official...

I read no complete book the entire month of November.

That must change...



  1. You read some of two books and deemed them TRASH, remember? You even withdrew them from your library.
    Burning the candle at both ends does little but waste the candle and puts forth little or no light, so in December, slow down, don't take on any more "projects" and READ! Maybe Santa will bring you some goodies, or maybe even a B & N gift card!!

  2. Sounds like you've been pretty busy. Add sleep into the mix, and that leaves little time for reading. But, I'm sure you'll more than make up for the lack of reading sooner rather than later. :)

  3. Glow in the dark?!?!?!?! Of course that is what I would get out of this, right? :)

  4. Glow in the dark?!?!?!?!? That's exactly what you expected my to get out of this, isn't it? :)

  5. JE- oh gawd, I completely forgot about the trashy novels!! Rest is good and B&N gift card is better!

    Curly- yup, he's a wise man...

    Evil P- you're right, I'm sure! I have a list over 300 titles long of stuff I can't wait to read!

    Gulo- uhhhh, I said glow in the dark- what else is important? And really, I read the whole book ONLY because it glowed in the dark... :)


Gab at me a bit!