This week is crazy busy with working all the extra hours and next week is going to be crazy busy but that's my own doing as well- crazy with FUN stuff!!!
Monday I'm either staying home and relaxing or daddy-o and I are going out for his belated birthday supper.
Tuesday I have art club after school AND a diet shake party.
Wednesday night is the rescheduling of the literary mystery party for my students.
And Thursday night, the best of all, I'm taking a class at Archiver's with Lilth- it's a Doodle Bug class. We're making a scrapbook. I'm so organized I have a stack of pictures I'm bringing along and before I leave the store, not only will I have made a scrapbook, but it will BE FILLED WITH PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then dinner out.
Friday might be lunch with a friend from the Wild West who really lives closer to me now that I've moved back. I might have mentioned Trooper before. He's going to be at a conference in my neck of the woods and we might be able to meet for lunch!
Busy girl,
What are you doing in Art Club?