
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fractured Bible Stories

Remember my student who is sort of learning the Bible for the first time in his life? The one about the confusion with Mary and Eve? New story:

He comes to class and here's what he tells me...

"So, Ms. O... you know the Bible? Well, there's these three brothers who were mad at God and He was a pissed off Dude. Because He was, well, God, man, and you don't go getting pissed at the Man. God got mad back at these homies so he set 'em all on fire. Then! Then! Then the fire was so totally out of control and it caught a bush on fire and the bush was telling the brothers that this is what they get for being pissed at Him. The bush was, like, totally, God! Then the one brother named the Shaq. He, like, said he was totally sorry man, and God like, totally forgave him, and he totally came out of the fire and wasn't hurt.

"God is one bad dude."

I think he was trying to tell me the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. I think.

I know it's wrong of me, but I just can't wait to see what he has to say next, religiously speaking.


Bragger said...

I might read the Bible more if all the stories were told like this one.....

**We interrupt this blog comment with a well-placed lightning strike.**

Maggie said...

Bragger- so that's why my fingertips were smokin' as I typed... dude!

What gets me even more is that he's so excited to share what he "learned." And he's always so serious when he comes to tell me about this new knowledge, his face all earnest and intense. It makes me giggle even harder.

A said...

What bible is he reading? lol

Curley said...

Every time I tried to read The Bible, I couldn't get passed all the begats so I think that he is doing really well. You too for even having an idea of what he was talking about. Must have been the burning bush gave it away.

Jimmie Earl said...

I wonder what he would think about Daniel in the Lion's Den or David killing Goliath!
I just praise God that he is learning about faith, especially at his age and for the first time in his life.

Shan said...

That is adorable! I feel like a hideous Christian for not knowing what he's describing. Good job picking it out Mags! Some of that Bible learnin' really stuck with you. I'm going to read up on S,M and A to see what he was talking about. God is certainly wilder than we ever give him credit for. :)