
Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm so dizzy my head is spinning...

I think I'm going to take a spinning class. I'm not sure, but if I say it here then maybe I'll feel committed or at least guilty enough to do it- or at least guilty enough to go one time so I have blog fodder to report back for a post for two.

Until a few weeks ago I wasn't even sure what a spinning class was. I heard people talk about it but it was something I ever gave much until a week ago when it was all the talk on some movie I was watching. Then I was wondering "what the hell is a spinning class, anyway?" I mean, I knew it was exercise so I knew it wasn't people sitting around making fabric or yarn. And while my mental image made me chuckle of a gym full of grown adults clad in work out gear turning in circles with their arms out "airplane" style shouting "vroooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!", I had a feeling that wasn't spinning either- I wouldn't see how that could be considered exercise, other than making one so dizzy they would puke. And I didn't think Hasbro had started making adult sized "Sit and Spin" toys, though there could be an idea right there for a type of exercise- build arm muscles and get dizzy and throw up, thus strengthening the stomach muscles! (Considered that copyrighted to me, thank you very much!) So I finally Googled it and found out a spinning class is a workout class where everyone rides a type of stationary bike. The wheels whirl around, so hence the term "spinning."

Ironically, so it must be fate or karma or my karma trying to run over my dogma, a few days after I learned what spinning classes actually were, a girl at the insurance office- I think of her as Insurance Barbie- asked me if I wanted to go with her to a spinning class. She said it was only $30 for 8 classes. She was nervous about asking me, because I think she thought I thought she was asking because I thought she thought I was fat. (<-----Did ANYONE follow that?) but she really was trying to get a few people to go with her so she didn't have to go alone. I also think it's because she has few female friends who live near her since she just moved to town and she's trying to make friends- and as an adult, we all know how hard that can be. So I was sort of stuck. If I said no, I was afraid I would hurt her feelings and she would feel rejected. I thought it was nice that she would ask me to do something. I also thought it sounds like a fun way to lose weight. But on the other hand, I don't want to be the FAT girl in a class with all the other Exercise Barbies... and it meets on a Wednesday morning at 6 am. In the morning. 6 IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! But I do want to lose some weight and it does let me work at my own pace and it's pretty cheap... and there are other fat girls there- she's the only Barbie! (Don't even ask me how I found this out other than bluntly asking her if there were other fat chicks and maybe calling the place anonymously and asking if other fat people were taking the class or if it was just a room full of Exercise Barbies. Just don't ask about all those hypothetical ways I might have out if there were fat girls there) On the other hand it is at the new YMCA which I thought about banning. On the other hand I would love to lose about 50 pounds or at least help combat the ice cream... So many hands and options... and I just don't know what I want to do.

So I said I would think about it and let her know on Tuesday. Any thoughts that might be helpful?

Fat and sassy but could be skinny and sassy,


  1. If you're feel extremely adventurous then I say go for it. But from what I have heard about it, it's not a leisurely ride on the bike. The reason it's called spinning is because you want those wheels whirling!

  2. Please let me know how the spinning class goes. I have been to aerobics, cardio dance, and other exercise classes, and I ride a bicycle regularly, but I've been terrified to go to a spin class. I know you'll give me an honest report!

  3. Heck, if this fat kid can climb mountains now, you can certainly try spinning...if you have the extra money to try it.

  4. Hecate- well, I'm sure I can make the wheels spin but maybe more slowly than other folks- I can build up to having the "need for speed"!

    Bragger- you're terrified of a spin class and you bicycle all over the country? OMG- I'm outta my mind to even consider this!!!!!

    Gulo- thanks for the encouragement!!! I think I'm going to do it.... I think.

  5. Spinning is said to be one of the fastest ways to get into shape. I have wanted to try but would love a partner. Sounds like you have the partner!

  6. D-nice: then maybe I can actually LOSE weight, which would be awesome! I think I'm going to give it a try and I think with a partner, losing weight and working out is always easier- someone there to give you "atta girls" and kick my butt when I'm lazy... I'm gonna go at least once to try it, even if it's 6am.

    I just hope to the goddess this doesn't kill me!

    I'll let you all know how it goes!

  7. i say go for it! i used to do spinning classes and although they are very intense you can kind of go at your own pace (you can pick your own resistance). however, you do get an intense crowd when you go!!

  8. Give it a try and report back, it sounds like fun!!

  9. alanna- thanks for visiting and the encouragement! I'm gonna give it a go!

    Ty-Anna: I hope it's fun AND that I can do it. I just don't want to die of a heart attack or look a fool because I can't keep up for an hour...


Gab at me a bit!