I can't believe it's been a whole week since I last blogged. I have no idea what happened. Actually, I do know what happened and I'm so sorry. After a month of vacation and then going back to work, and getting off work at 4pm and home by 430pm, my day feels shot. Getting back into the groove to cook and clean in just a few evening hours and then having time to blog doesn't seem to be jiving.
My other big issue is that my laptop seems to be dying a slow death. It can be one for 10 minutes then shut itself off. It can be on for an hour before it does. No one seems to know what's wrong. So all the evenings when I would crash on the couch and grab my trust steed of a laptop are now gone. I have no money to replace my trusty steed so now I have to... well, to hell with the analogy- I can't easily blog.
And that SUCKS!!!!!!!!
I've vowed that since it's my weekend to be the receptionist at job number 3, I'm going to write several post and get them scheduled.
The other part that sucks about the slow demise of trusty steed is that I can't easily respond to lengthy emails nor can I read blogs at my leisure. Ugh! I have no idea how I'm going to resolve this issue!!! Steal a laptop, maybe?
Other than computer issues and trying to get my back to school groove on, I'm also trying to get Mac ready for school, which emotionally seems draining. In all honesty, other than being exhausted at the end of a work day and feeling like doing nothing except be a slug, I'm really not sure where my week went...
I vow to do better. I said that last week, I know.
Maybe this time it'll actually happen!
With the schedule you have set for yourself, it's a wonder you can even turn around without meeting yourself coming the other way. Give yourself a break. Sorry about the laptop.
You're allowed some down time, especially with everything you've got going on. We miss you, but don't beat yourself up. I hope the laptop gets resurrected, though. That's a necessity!
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