
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Exercise is my enemy

I hate to exercise. I know most people do, and I am one of those. I need to exercise. I want to lose some weight, but I hate the commitment to actually working out. When I was teaching full time, I would talk about going to the gym and one day a student said, "Oh, are you trying to get in shape?" My response was, "I am in shape. Round is a shape." I'm shaped like... a snowman. But...

I have joined gyms in the past and that dollar sign usually inspires me to work out to get the biggest bang for my buck, but lately I have become a worthless layabout. I am hoping if I profess my need to get into shape to the blog reading world, then I will have some responsibility to actually do it.

Someone told me the local YMCA, which I have a moral and ethical dilemma about, has some membership slashes for low income families, of which I am one. I am really considering joining. Also, to increase their membership, during the month of January, all their 'classes' (like Zumba) are free to anyone who wants to take one.

The most exercise I get are 20 ounce curls (of peppermint mochas). Or climbing up and down the stairs at school.

Oh, and other than the urge to lose some weight, it's an excuse to buy shoes. Like exercise, tennis shoes type of shoes are my least favorite sort of shoes! I was looking at some online and "good" shoes are about $100 or MORE a pair- I about had a damn heart attack- I mean I'd have paid that price for Jimmy Choos (or more) but for a pair of tennis shoes? They don't even look good with skirts! And I can't find matching purses! You can't see my pedicure in these shoes! But they did come in this lovely shade of pink....

Okay, I need new running/ exercise shoes, I know. But I can't afford new shoes that are that expensive. So I can't exercise. Oh, I am so glad I have figured out why I just cannot seem to workout right now. I can continue to sit here and blog, and drink my Venti Peppermint Mocha!



Bragger said...

I used to hate to exercise too, and now I'm addicted to it. Just got off the elliptical even as we speak. Of course, I'm also addicted to chocolate and chips and dip and ice cream and fried potatoes and gooey cheese, so it's pretty much a wash.

Curley said...

I know what you mean. I have a treadmill and exercise bike and they both gather dust. Oh well, maybe when the weather get warmer I will start walking at lunch again. Then again ...

Evil Pixie said...

Here's the thing about exercise... More studies show how exercise does not contribute to weight loss. It's all about calorie intake. I lost 80 lbs in roughly 4 months (not recommended) and didn't exercise a bit. I just reduced my calories. But, exercise is still good for the body.

I cannot seem to manage the idea of exercising for exercise sake. Now if I'm playing a game of basketball or volleyball, or swimming at the local pool, or walking around the grocery store - that is one thing. But to go out and do it just for the exercise... not thanks. :D

Maggie said...

bragger- you make a good point. or at least what i took from this is if i would exercise i might not lose weight but i won't get any fatter and can still eat junk...

Curley- i want your treadmill! lol!

EvilP- when I got divorced I lost about 70 pounds in about 4 months and gained it all back and then some- but it sure was unhealthy the way it happened.

I want to exercise but i think i would do better if i had a buddy.

And I don't play organized sports. that has nothing to do with exercising- I can't catch a ball unless it was covered with (and me too) and I broke bones when playing sports so... I do like swimming, though. Hmmm.

Jimmie Earl said...

I could write a book on "exercise for dummies" (although there probably is already one) but in it I would state all the reasons why one should NOT exercise. Maybe a better title would be "Only dummies exercise." I like the idea of walking...from here to the ice cream shoppe. Nothing soothes sore "anything" like a hot-fudge sundae.

Shan said...

I won't mention that Yoga requires no shoes since that is clearly not the point. So shut it Shannon. :P

I've been trying to exercise myself and it just never gets any easier. One thing that constantly annoys me is that my blood sugar is rarely optimal and I can't really exercise if it is out of range. That then reminds me that I'm diabetic and that my blood sugar is out of range. Which reminds me.....(and so on)

I lost 20 ish pounds a couple years ago on a stint of not exercising (I prefer to waste away with laziness)and since then it seems like any exercise I do just makes me gain weight! This is not an encouragement to me.

What's great is that it DOES give you energy and health so I'd say that's the motivation if any.

Yep, calories matter all too much unfortunately. :)